Saturday, April 17, 2010

5 things we love about the english language in new zealand

1. the way they turn As into Rs and Rs into As (i.e. "dora the explorer" becomes "dorer the explora")
2. the way that the letter Z is pronounced "zed". we're totally bringing that home with us.
3. the way that the emphasis is reversed in the word "Samoa" from suh-MOA to SAA-moa
4. the way that our pastor said "indentations" in his Southland accent and both Bryan and I heard "indian nations". also, whenever he says "person" it comes out "parson": "she's just a wonderful parson".
5. the way that they say "drink driving" instead of "drunk driving", yet don't say "i went to the bar last night and got completely drink".


update: i thought of a one more that i just had to include.

6. what i'm calling word cute-ification: flatmates=flatties, presents=pressies, slot machines=pokies, and so on.

1 comment:

  1. don't forget "cuzzie-bros" and what not to call a bum bag!

