Monday, May 31, 2010

my first kiwi birthday

Today I experienced my first autumn birthday. I love fall, as it means scarves and fireplaces and coffee and colorful foliage, and am more than happy to celebrate my 25th birthday in such a setting. Bryan and I celebrated last week, when we both had a day off and could spend our rainy afternoon watching movies and ordering in Thai food. He's working tonight, so I spent a wonderful, quiet evening soaking my feet in a peppermint scrub that I won at church a few weeks back and reading about poor pathetic Fanny Price in Jane Austen's Mansfield Park.

But the best part of the evening was when our friend Phil unexpectedly stopped by with a surprise gift - a block of chocolate with Smarties (not the sour fruity kind, the tasty chocolate kind) and a contribution to our Disney sing-a-long nights with The Rescuers, both of which he knew to be among my favorites.

What a wonderful birthday. Thanks to my thoughtful family for sending cards - it's so much more exciting to receive mail when it comes from overseas!



  1. Glad you had a good birthday celebration :) Those chocolate smarties look intriguing. You must be on a Jane Austen book kick lately, eh? I have like 30 pages left in P&P. Then I'm going to read Pride & Prejudice & Zombies.

  2. yeah, i'm rereading all of miss austen's completed books. should finish off mansfield park in the next few days, and then have just persuasion and northanger abbey left. i actually got bryan to watch most of the 5 1/2 hr pride nad prejudice today, which i'm very proud of. let me know how pride and prejudice and zombies is!
