Friday, March 26, 2010

two great discoveries

pairing an abundance of free evenings (we're not yet close enough to anyone here to garner evening invites) and relatively cheap internet, bryan and i have made two magnificent discoveries that we wanted to share with you.

1. stuff you should know podcast from i've gotten into the habit of listening to one or more podcasts each night before falling asleep. not only does it feed my brain and help me relax, but it provides fantastic fodder for my dreams - how could it not, when i'm listening to "how lobotomies work" and "how the hell's angels work"? this week i've started tuning into their sister broadcast, stuff you missed in history class, where i learned more about the journalistic stunts of nellie bly in the 1880s and about the prussian amber rooom, a treasure on a grand scale that was somehow lost in the chaos of world war II.

2. the unending supply of quiz games on every imaginable topic at because of the addicting nature of this website, i can now name all 195 countries, all of the counties/states of england and germany, the major bones in the human body, and all of the u.s. presidents. brilliant! on tuesday night we played some quizzes that involved identifying a movie from a clip from its soundtrack, resulting in a trip to the movie store for some disney classics (no beauty and the beast, so we settled for the sword in the stone).

hope you can benefit from our new faves!


1 comment:

  1. Beauty and the Beast is my favorite! I was cast as a villager in our local community theatre's production. We are rehearsing like crazy to perform the first weekend in May.
