Friday, November 19, 2010

job update

I figured it was about time I post a bit of a personal update, specifically regarding the ever-frustrating job searching. We knew that we were taking a big risk by quitting good jobs to move overseas, but I can't say that I ever actually expected to find myself in a prolonged stint of unemployment like the one that I've been in for the last nine months. I find myself much more able to empathize with others who spend long hours on library computers, sending CVs for boring, low-paying jobs that would only be accepted out of desperation. I had an interview at Valleygirl last week, a clothing store at the mall filled with overly frilly dresses for skinny 13-year-olds, and was both embarrassed and relieved not to have been offered the position.

A few weeks ago I committed two afternoons to handing out CVs at local malls, getting a dozen or more into the hands of store managers at Northlands Mall, but receiving little encouragement later in the week at Riccarton Mall, where one manager snapped at me, "we filled our Christmas positions a month ago!" in response to my inquiry about open positions. Yesterday my voicemail contained a message from a manager at the first mall asking if I was still interested in a seasonal position, though I haven't been able to make out her name or the store name despite replaying the message four times, so I may have to call the number blindly and hope the person who answers the phone includes the name of the store in her opening greeting.

I do have some cause for hope, though, depending on your view of the supernatural and of prophecy. :) Two Sundays ago our pastor initiated a special prayer time at the end of the service for those with financial needs, and I went forward to receive prayer for a job from the pastor's wife. After a brief prayer, she told me that she felt like there was a job waiting for me in the classifieds of the Saturday paper, and even pointed out where on the page she thought I'd find it. I popped down the the library early in the week, and though I browsed through every local paper from the previous Saturday, nothing popped out at me. Yesterday, however, while waiting for a computer to open up, I decided to make another try with the following weekend's paper, and excitedly discovered a position in student housing and activities at Canterbury University (exactly what I've been looking for) that hadn't been listed on the university website or on TradeMe. It was even located halfway down the right-hand page, right where my pastor's wife had indicated. I sent a cover letter and CV, and am even allowing myself to be a little hopeful, though I guess we'll have to see what happens from here, if anything.

Bryan had an interview yesterday for a position as the manager of an after-school kids program connected with a Presbyterian church in Hornby. His current visa doesn't allow him to work anywhere but at our church, but if he's offered the job, he's going to petition for an exception. The hope is that, as it's connected to a church, he can argue that he has training specific to the role because of his ministry degree. It's worth a shot, eh? It also gave him an opportunity to meet the children's pastor at the church, so maybe it will at least help him network a bit. I think he should have been offered the job based solely on the tightness of his pants - we've both chunked up a bit since getting off the trail, and the dress pants he bought a year ago were amusingly snug. :)



  1. Hi guys,
    I feel for you reading your post. It's not a great time for the job market, and the earthquake hasn't helped Christchurch businesses.

    I wish I could help. The only suggestion I can think of is related to CVs. Do you know that Kiwi CVs are very different in style to US CVs?

    Given the size of the cities, Auckland would offer you the greater opportunity, although personally I love Christchurch.


  2. Hi again,
    A couple of other thoughts. You may know all this, but in case it helps.

    Kiwi employers are generally very ignorant of the work visa/permit system. In my experience they will tend to shy away from anyone who does not have a work permit. That means the onus is on you to know the system and to make clear how easy it is for you to get a work permit once offered a job (or make clear you have one if you do).

    The other thing is, NZ tends to "shut down" till about the start of Feb. re jobs. You may find that period very frustrating, unless you can find a holiday/tourist related job.

