Monday, April 12, 2010

my friend samantha

our church is filled with adorable little girls. the boys are all at the age where they've moved beyond cute and into annoying, but most of the girls are still young enough to enjoy twirling their skirts and applying messy coats of overly vibrant lipsticks. they're currently in the middle of a two-week school holiday, so i've scheduled a couple of "dates" with some of the girls during the week. last week i took almost-seven-year-old samantha out for lunch at her favorite restaurant (dennys), then back to our apartment to watch her favorite movie (barbie: princess and the pauper), eat the dessert of her choosing (ice cream sundaes), and play her favorite game (hide and go seek). the two of us had a great time, but i think the ones that really benefited from our day out were her four siblings - apparently her older brother was looking forward to our date just as much as she was :)

this week i'm hoping to hang out with abby grace, the youth pastor's youngest daughter, who intercepted my invitation to samantha and now keeps asking me when i'm going to ask her out on a "date". apparently she wants to go shopping...hope she likes the dollar store!



  1. What a cutie. Keep looking out for those girls!
    Dad D

  2. Are you sure she isn't related to Janis Lynn?
    Aunt CB
