I've just spent a wonderful morning designing the advertisements for our next Family Ministries event, which is going to be an early Thanksgiving dinner. We had been planning to do this event in November, but we were in need of an event that would create opportunities for our new families to connect, and this seemed better suited to that purpose than the father/son, mother/daughter event that we'd pencilled in for September. It's not going to be fall in November here anyway, so it didn't seem like a big deal to move it up a few months. That also frees up the two of us to do an even more authentic Thanksgiving celebration for our close friends in November like we'd been planning. We're pretty stoked about our marketing - the one on the left is the one that will be printed in the bulletin this Sunday, and the one below is the full, postcard-sized version that we'll print out (hopefully) on some cool paper that will give us the worn antique map look and send to our families. Cool, eh?
Much props guys!