Then there was the ceremonial mace, which was crafted out of a piece of seasoned oak from a bell tower at Oxford. Very cool.
The ceremony opened with a traditional Maori call-and-response-type greeting between a woman on the stage and a group entering from the back of the auditorium, and included many elements of Maori ceremonies from start to finish. Many Maori graduates draped a flower lei over the Chancellor's neck while accepting their diplomas, which piled up throughout the morning so that he looked a bit lionlike by the end.
I was pleased to find that the national anthem was included in the program, as I have a special fondness for "God Defend New Zealand" and proudly sang along, though secretly relieved that both the Maori and English words were displayed on the screen for the benefit of those like me. We also sang a song in Latin at the closing end of the ceremony, though it didn't make up for the lack of Pomp and Circumstance.
One of my favorite elements of the graduation, which comes as no surprise to those of you who know the admiration for Ernest Shackleton and other Antarctic explorers that I've developed over the last few years, was the reminder of New Zealand's historical and geographical connections with the Great White Continent. I longed to be one of the graduates receiving a degree in Antarctic Studies or walking in under the (ironically) green banner representing this sacred academic discipline. The graduation speaker, a botanist and the head curator at the Canterbury Museum, even quoted a piece of Scott's journals during his brief oration.
Obviously the best part was being present to celebrate the end of a long season of study for Dave, and we were thrilled to be a part of this momentum occasion for him. Bryan's also receiving his degree from NCU this month (though, obviously, he won't be present for his graduation ceremony), so I suppose in a way they get to share this experience together.